Wednesday 14 May 2008

Extra info for music feature

I've decided to go for an Observer Music Monthly type approach to this feature. A sort of: while English folk music is dead, the English are taking Eastern European folk music back to E Europe.

This also means that I can layout the article in glorious A4, meaning a bit more room to play with (as opposed to the Stranger A5 angle). Woop!

I also think it's best to point out the obvious stuff (so obvious I've had to force myself to write it down and not take it as a given): audiences. The ABC website is a piece of crap, so I'll have to go and check BRAD for OMM's figures, but as a rough guess, I'd say that they're ABC1s 20-50 yr old males and females. I'll update this proper stats when I get my can to college.

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